Circle of Friends

The Circle of Friends was founded by Mary Riker and Pastor Paul Kim
in 2007 along with a small group of church members including
Esther Meder, Susan Long, Hazel Emerson and the Ketterers.
There would shortly be 32 members, but as it evolved through the years,
due to loss and moving, we now have 13-15 members.
Our young-at-heart group meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month
at noon to share lunch, faith, fellowship, games and laughter.
We also provide helping hands for those in need and take on tasks
to help our church with its mission projects. Most recently, our group
made almost 100 sundresses for girls in ravaged areas of the world.
We strive to keep up to date on those who are ill and shut-in. We visit,
send cards, provide meals and let them know they are not forgotten.
We are a hospitable, welcoming group of Friends who look forward
to seeing new faces and new smiles.
Come join us!